Acne, acne scars, plugged pores, popped pimples can ruin the social life of a person. Few pimples can wreck the appearance of a pretty face. To get rid of acne and enhance your look, you can take advantage of natural ways. You can beat your acne fight by being natural and gentle to your skin. Acne outbreaks can be limited with special care.
Acne is that skin condition that affects the suffering person physically and emotionally both. To prevent acne and pimples, go through the following five natural remedies, which might help you to look better.
Check your hair for Dandruff to
get rid of AcneDandruff could be a reason for the appearance of face acne as well as back acne. If you are suffering from acne on face, particularly on forehead, then you should pay attention on your head scalp. The first thing you can do is to start washing your hair with any anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week. Acne caused by dry scalp dandruff can be reduced with hot oil head massage.
Make sure you keep your face clean of dandruff flakes and oil to get rid of acne. Wash your face, if you see shedding of flakes on your face. The most important thing you have to do is to keep your hair off your face because if your dandruff hair gets in contact with facial skin, it can lead to acne and pimples.
Get rid of digestive system disorder to treat acne
One should first deal with the digestive problems such as poor digestion, constipation in order to have acne clear skin. Our digestion and facial skin is connected to each other. Acne is an issue that is a symptom of something happening internal. If you have weak digestion, you are more vulnerable to suffer from inflammatory skin disorders. Improve your digestion and treat constipation first to get rid of pimples and acne.
There are many natural remedies and easy ways to get over digestion problems. Keep in mind; you have to treat the root cause of acne to remove them totally from your face.
Healthy food plan to prevent acne
Start eating healthy food diet to get rid of acne from your face. Take care of what you are eating. Increase the intake of foods and nutrients that are good for healthy and beautiful skin and avoid food that cause inflammation. Sugar,
soda-drinks and white flour (maida) products are said to be responsible to aggravate the acne condition. Avoid junk food and eating out habit.Eat a balanced diet full of organic raw food and high fiber food to prevent acne. Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and zinc are helpful to keep the skin healthy. So increase the intake of vegetables and fruits with a high level of these vitamin and nutrients.
Natural remedies for acne and pimples
The best part about natural remedies for acne treatment is that they are soft and gentle to skin. Though slow in action, natural remedies are very effective. Amla or Indian gooseberry is good for skin problems such as acne and pimples. It is good source of Vitamin C. Regular intake of amla in any form improves digestion, making your skin more clean and clear. Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated and soft. It will also keep a check on the buildup of any toxins in the body.
There are number of home remedies which can make you get rid of acne. Alovera, neem leaves, lemon are easily available natural things and are very beneficial in the treatment of acne.
Cleansing is important to remove acne
Making your skin disinfected is important to avoid acne and pimples. Cleansing facial skin means removing dirt and oil from the skin. You have to make sure not to dry out your skin but just make it clean of impurities. Maintain a clean face while avoiding over washing your face. Choose a natural cleanser to wash your face twice a day.
We all have different skin types and different reason of skin problems. You have to find out the cause behind your acne skin trouble to choose a right skin care treatment. Natural ways are more trustworthy to get rid of acne and pimples. Go ahead and give more attention to your skin and body. Natural remedies will surely not let you down!