Benefits Of Carrot For Beauty And Health: Nutrition, Juice And Face Masks

Carrot Beauty, Heath Benefits and uses as face masks

The red little carrots are packed with nutrition and give us tons of benefits. Benefits of carrot for beauty purposes as well as carrot health benefits, both are significant. Either eating carrot or drinking carrot juice is equally beneficial for making skin and body healthy.
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Beauty benefits of carrot are numerous and at same time you can not ignore carrot health benefits.Carrot vitamins and nutrition makes it a special vegetable.A glass of carrot juice daily can improve your skin health inside and outside both.Read on the article to get acquainted with carrot face masks and carrot juice nutrition for better health and glowing skin.

Carrot juice nutrition

Carrot juice is a healthy addition to everyone in their diet.Carrot juice makes a great drink for the snack time.There are only 148 calories in carrot juice. It contains proteins and carbohydrates.  One glass of carrot juice makes 10 grams of dietary fiber and 34.5 grams of carbohydrates.

The combination makes you feel full for long and keep your digestive system healthy.

One glass of carrot juice also contains only 0.8 grams of fat.Only 0.1 gram is saturated fat and it has no cholesterol.This makes it good for heart.Carrot juice is rich in Vitamin A and has traces of Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, iron, zinc and magnesium.

Benefits of carrot for beauty

By going through following points, you will get to know the benefits of drinking and applying carrot juice for skin health.


Carrot Face Masks for Beauty Benefits

Carrot face mask for young, beautiful skin

A table spoon of gram flour / besan added in carrot juice will make a great carrot mask.Mix the two ingredients and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it.Remove the face pack after 25 minutes by rubbing it in circular motions on the face.It will act as a gentle natural scrub and give you fresh and young look.

Anti aging Carrot face mask

Grated carrot and a milk cream together make an excellent anti wrinkle face mask.This will help to treat dry skin also.

Carrot is loaded with Vitamin A and C, which are best for sagging skin.You can make a face pack by mixing egg white, few drops of lemon juice and carrot juice to fight anti aging signs.Apply for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

Homemade Carrot masks for oily, acne prone skin

Dark spots, pimple, acne marks are common problem faced by oily skin people.Carrot can be used to treat all these oily skin problems.Mash a boiled carrot in a bowl and add a tablespoon of orange juice or lemon juice to it.This face mask for 20 minutes on your face will lighten the appearance of any kind of dark spots and marks.Follow it regularly; you will see the difference on your facial skin soon.

Carrot beauty benefits for rough, dull skin

Carrot juice, a teaspoon of olive oil and honey are the three ingredients you need to prepare carrot face mask for dry, dull and rough skin.It will give fresh look to your tired, dull skin.

You can tailor the ingredients of your carrot facial mask as per your skin needs and problems.

Carrot Juice Health Benefits

Carrot juice is very popular in winters.Carrots are just not for the rabbits in cartoons, they are loved by us too; let us know some health benefits of drinking carrot juice.

Carrots contain potassium which is good to lower your cholesterol level.Potassium when work with manganese controls and stabilize the blood sugar levels.This helps is reducing the risk of diabetes.

Carrots are rich source of Vitamin A, which helps in improving the immune system.

Being high in Vitamin A carrots maintain your healthy eye sight and if consumed daily, carrot juice can prevent any heart disease and stroke to prevail.

Vitamin K in carrot juice benefits in aiding blood to clot.

Carrot juice works as anti – cancer weapon.If you increase consumption of carrot juice, the elements like carotenoids decrease instances of prostate, breast cancer, colon and bladder,

Vitamin K in carrot juice ensures good bone health.Add carrot in your meals to make your bones strong.

Carrot juice is extremely beneficial in cleaning and detoxifying liver.By regular consumption the toxins from the liver are released and excreted.The blood stream cannot get rid of these toxins out of the body on its own, the skin has to eject them.Carrot juice helps the whole process and also prevents indigestion and weight gain.

Carrots are good for eyes.It is said that regular eating carrot can improves your vision and boost up your eye health.

How to make Carrot Juice?

Making a carrot juice at home is a great idea and it is surprising to know that not all recipes require a juicer machine.Few recipes that can be made at home to avail the beauty and health benefits of carrot juice are mentioned below.

Electric juicer makes it easy to prepare quick juice while removing pulp or fiber in a non-messy way.  Take carrots and wash them thoroughly.Some people like to peel them but the nutrients in carrot skin washes away.Hit the on button on machine and enjoy a fresh glass of carrot juice.

People who do not have a juicer machine can also enjoy the benefits of carrot juice by making it with blender, though you need to do the job of filtering pulp from the juice.

Take some carrots and wash them thoroughly.You can chop carrots in small pieces to make blender's work easy.In a container, blend carrots dry.You can consider adding a little water in between blending rounds.Mash the mixture and pour in a jar.Add some more water and let it stand for half an hour.Strain the mixture and enjoy your carrot juice with or without ice.

Oranges, ginger or an Amla can be combined to make a much tastier juice.

Carrots are seasonal and can be bought easily in winters.Now when you are aware of Carrot juice beauty and health benefits, don't wait for long and enjoy a tasty and very healthy glass of carrot juice at home.

Article Written by Neha Sadana

Neha loves writing for expertscolumn as she consider this writing website as one of the best platform for writers to get noticed and earn online.

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